I have spent the past twenty five years studying and maintaining my credential as a registered dietitian nutritionist. A registered...

911 for Ending a Covid Kitchen Snacking Meltdown by Opening Awareness
As we head into election day and the beginning of what some are calling the darkest days of Covid-19, it would be good to be prepared so...

Too thin is not in. Your Personal Road to Bone Health
As a petite size woman, I have a personal reason to not take my bone health for granted. Because bones are constantly re-building to stay...

Why I LOVE my carbs-especially cause they are food for my microbiome.
Emily Camiener is a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist who cares about your health.

Be More Like Water, my friend
I have been thinking about super heroes, warriors, scientists and adventurers who can go beyond our current understanding into unknowns....

Anti-Inflammatory Effects of a Vegan Diet
Anti-Inflammatory Effects of a Vegan Diet Versus the American Heart Association–Recommended Diet in Coronary Artery Disease Trial Binita...

Dr. Dean Ornish really has some of the best tasting vegan recipes on his website and in his books. I bought his book Eat More Weight Less...

Webinar Family Nutrition and Mealtime Strategies
Join me Friday November 22nd for a webinar discussing nutrition and mealtime questions. Get the steps you need to raise healthy and...

Fall, Food and Fiber-What's the one nutrient needed to stay healthy?
I moved in to a new office this fall and want to welcome everyone to stop by and say hi. My new office is at 4050 West Maple Road in...

Pasta Norma Alla
I love eggplant parmesan (but it feels heavy) On my search for a fix of roasted eggplant and tomato sauce. I saw this recipe and had to...